fyrir sumt fólk
föstudagur, júní 05, 2009
sunnudagur, maí 31, 2009
If you leave me, can I come too?
We can always stay
But if you leave me, can I come too?
And if you go, can I come too?
mánudagur, febrúar 18, 2008
laugardagur, júní 16, 2007
Everything she wants
Somebody told me
That for everything she wants
Is everything she sees
I guess I must have loved you
Because I said you were the perfect girl for me, baby
And now I'm six months older
And everything you are and everything you see
Is out of reach not good enough
I don't know what the hell you want from me
Somebody tell me
Why I work so hard for you
(To give you money)
Some people work for a living
Some people work fun
Girl I just work for you
They told me marriage was a give and take
Well you show me you can take you've got some givin' to do
And now you tell me that your having my baby
I'll tell you that I'm happy if you want me to
But one step further and my back will break
If my best isn't good enough
And how can it be good enough for two
I can't work any harder than I do
Somebody tell me
Why I work so hard for you
(To give you money)
Why do I do the things I do
Can you tell my why? Yea
My god, I don't even think that I love you
Somebody tell me
Why I work so hard for you
(To give you money)
Somebody tell me
Why I work so hard for you
(To give you money)
How could you settle
For a boy like me
When all I can see
Is the end of the week
All the things we sign
And the things we buy
Ain't gonna keep us together
It's just a matter of time
My situation
Never changes
Walking in and out of that door
Like a stranger
For the wages
I give you all
You say you want more
And all I can see
Is the end of the week
All the things we sign
And the things we buy
Ain't gonna keep us together
Girl it's just a matter of time
laugardagur, desember 16, 2006
Mér þykir ákaflega merkilegt að enn þá er fólk að koma inn af legallycrasy. Merkilegt af þeim sökum að á hana hefur ekki verið bloggað í tæp þrjú ár. Bíddu, hver var það aftur sem var með slæmt tilfelli af þráhyggju og ofsóknaræði?
laugardagur, júlí 15, 2006
Veikindin hafa tekið sig upp aftur. Mun alvarlegri en áður. Samkvæmt fyrirmælum meðferðaraðila verða engar æfingar fyrr en kjörþyngd er náð.